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Traditional Book Publishers

Staffed by people with many year’s experience in the book publishing business, Pressman House was established as a traditional mainstream book publishers but with a modern twist.

With an International presence and partnerships throughout the world.

Pressman House Publishing Ltd is a traditional publisher but with a modern hands-on approach and is staffed by highly experienced people within the book publishing industry.
We publish the work of experienced authors and well known personalities and distribute their work internationally in all forms.
Where we are required to assist the author with the writing, we have all the skills necessary to ghost right for them. We also can assist with books to screen.
We also have a self-publishing imprint, ShieldCrest Publishing, a multi-award winner which works with those authors who are just starting out as writers and have yet to gain a reputation and status in the industry. ShieldCrest has been awarded the No. 1 self-publisher by SME Business journal and Prestige Awards for four years running and is listed as the number one self-publisher out of over 200 in the UK by independent customer review site, FreeIndex.


The book publishing industry has difficulties shaking off its past and the old practices it had in the days of the quill pen are still with some today.
Pressman House brings the 21st century into the industry with an individual style and personal rapport with our authors which ensures we are a true partner with the best interests of both as our core raison d’être.
The personal treatment and support we offer to authors is a key element in our growth.
We have already published several important works and a major announcement is due shortly concerning a best selling author and singer who’s latest book will accompany a solo record and musical dedicated to her.
Watch this space!


Form an alliance with the author to give their work the highest possible quality.
Assist with ghost writing where required.
Advise on the content and cover to maximise interest.
Release the work in a variety of formats including paperback, hardback and eBook.
Register for worldwide sales.
Launch international marketing programme.
Maximise author royalties.


All this may seem simple, but it requires considerable experience and a high degree of professionalism which is exactly what Pressman House offers.

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